Genu of the corpus callosum

Brain: Genu of the corpus callosum
The fornix and corpus callosum from below. (Genu labeled at center top.)
Latin genu corporis callosi
Gray's subject #189 828
Artery anterior cerebral artery
NeuroNames hier-176

The anterior end of the corpus callosum is named the genu, and is bent downward and backward in front of the septum pellucidum; diminishing rapidly in thickness, it is prolonged backward under the name of the rostrum, which is connected below with the lamina terminalis. In a study of five to eighteen year olds there was found to be a positive correlation between age and callosal thickness.[1]

See also

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This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained within it may be outdated.